Flat River Hemp Oil Transplanting/Field Prep Posted on Sep 24 2020 by Paigedellafranca@gmail.com

This year has been a year of uncertainty with the chaos that has been caused by the pandemic, however nothing lifts your spirits more and calms your nerves than walking through a field of hemp. Nick has a degree in horticulture science and is not afraid to use it. Most people think that the growth cycle starts in the field, however lots of preparation is needed before hemp is ready to make its grand appearance outdoors. Flat River Infusions starts with premium seeds that have been cultivated from the best genetics in the world that express the most desirable phenotypic traits. Each seed is started and put under special grow lights in our greenhouses for a couple of weeks until ready for transplanting.

The field also receives a considerable amount of preparation in order to produce the best growing conditions for hemp. This preparation starts as soon as we harvest the previous season’s crop in the fall, we immediately start replenishing the soils natural microbiome. During the winter and spring other field preparations are made.

It is important that we wait to put our transplants outside until the time of year when daylight is maximal. Once the field is prepped and transplants are on deck ready for planting, tobacco transplant implements are used to put the plants in the ground. Someone walks behind each machine as it goes through the field making sure each plant is perfectly placed. After transplanting, we pray that transplant shock is minimum and apply water and nutrients as needed.

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